Friday, April 14, 2006

Sex by Sign
How to use Astrology to be a better lover

The secrets of satisfaction differ depending on who you ask. Like anything else, people have varying ideas of how to spice things up in the bedroom - and beyond. So if you're looking for ways to be a better lover, why not consider your object of affection in the light of astrology?

After all, if astrology can help us understand global shifts, it can certainly help us create seismic ones!

Here's a basic guide to sexuality by sign:

Baby you're the best
Aries is king of competition and sex is just another extreme sport where the ram wants to be the undisputed champ. Amp yourself up for a power workout, shower your Ram with praise at every stage of seduction and you'll find Aries wants nothing more than to show you just how great they are in the sack... Just don't forget to change up your game plan regularly. Otherwise, Aries will get bored.

Delectable darling
The Taurean love for food cannot be overstated. Chocolate fondue was made for the Bull, as was whipped cream, and in fact, any other spreadable, smearable treat. Enough said.

Location, location, location
And it better be an exciting one at that! The game players of the zodiac, Gemini must never be bored. If you're a missionary man who wants to roll over and go to sleep afterward, consider a Taurus - just feed them first. But if you want to keep a Gemini on his or her toes, consider a dangerous liaison. Public places, with someone in the next room, under the table teasing... these are the sorts of things that will earn you mileage. Did I mention, the mile high club?

Knead me
The crab can only connect when you get through their rough exterior. They need to be needed - and one way to relax them enough to show you their vulnerable side (it's in there) is to knead them - quite literally. No one enjoys giving or receiving a massage like a Cancer. Plan a quiet, hands-on night and you'll crack that shell for sure!

A captive audience
An audience is what you need to be if you've got a Leo for a mate. The lion's entire being functions around pride and showmanship. So if you want to turn your Leo on, tell them you want to watch them... what you want to watch them doing of course, is up to the two of you. Just let Leo feel powerful and you'll be the one applauding their efforts - guaranteed.

Precision operation
Neat and clean does not mean chaste; it means proceed with precision. If you're with a Virgo you had better know what you're doing - but not seem like you've been around. Attention to detail will do wonders here. A tightly tucked bed. A single candle. Rubber gloves. Whatever floats your boat. But be pristine and be precise. Read between your Virgo's lines as you plan for the specifics.

Pretty persuasion
Make it look nice and Libra will probably be game. Sex up your boudoir. Candles galore (preferably of your Libran's favorite scent), velvet, silk, highest thread count cotton - you get the idea. An aesthetically pleasing place to position will do a lot to heighten Libra's mood. It will make them think you've got taste - in addition to choosing them of course. And taste goes a long way for this sign. Gifts are never mistakes either. A Libran woman is the perfect person for whom to buy lingerie... just give her choices, since she'll want to find the one that looks perfect before she'll be willing to go any further.

Welcome to the darkside
Just hint to your Scorpio date that you might like a little something, well, subversive, and he or she will be hooked. Deviance of any degree sparks the interests of this stinger and just knowing you're open to it will make even the most vanilla Scorpion tingle. Whether you're willing to take it up a notch is another story. Just be aware of the power of suggestion - and realize that one day, you will definitely be called to act on your words.

The thrill of the chase
Make sex a game and Sag will want to play. The more adventurous the better... fantasy elements optional. Whether it's a tandem sky dive or dirty dancing and mango mojitos, is your call. But if you get Sag's blood flowing, things are quite likely to heat up. Even adrenaline junkies need a place to unwind - why not let it be in your bed!

A brilliant disguise
So you think your Goat is the shy type... or perhaps that he or she is missing a super sexual side? Think again! Under that exterior of order, Capricorn is indeed rather randy - you just have to work harder to bring it out. A lover of status, you will do well with the Goat that you bring along to hobnob with the best and bleftest people you know. Just be sure to sing their praises to your friends. This way, the Goat knows you think highly of them. When you return to their abode, don't expect luxury... but expect a libido of the highest order.

The kinky kind
Ah, Aquarius. Whereas Scorpio is into deviance, Aquarius kink is just, well, strange - or at least eccentric. On the tamer side, consider that many water bearers are voyeurs, so a racy show or suggestive film would be good to get things going. Then again, so might a Star Trek costume.

Dream lover... with a twist
If there's a candidate for the flowers, candy and a sappy movie date, it's Pisces. Likewise, affection is what's going to get you to the next level with the Fish. In short, pamper, spoil and adore your Pisces. Lavish them with kisses, cuddles and stroking... and then get dominant. Because they like it like that.

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Blogger CreativeGym said...

I find this writing to be true based only on my own persoanl experience. The fun part for me is I was born on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini. Which makes both true! Fun! Thanks,

6:59 AM  
Blogger alfren said...

Here is a great site in the following link. It has daily horoscopes, Chinese astrology, astrology report, love horoscopes, I ching predictions, Chinese calendar, Feng Shui, horoscpe compatibility, Chinese zodiac compatibility, tarot, and even tell you how to use horopscpe to seduce a man or achieve weight loss!! Amazing!

Horoscopes & Chinese Astrology by horoscope

6:24 AM  
Blogger alfren said...

You can forecast the luck of your Chinese horoscope zodiac Animal signs in 2007 Chinese New Year calendar date of Fire Pig,
also called Boar Year in lunar Chinese Astrology.
Also, you can consult I-Ching Prediction to personal questions.

2:29 PM  

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