Saturday, March 03, 2007

Perceiving The Infinite

Psychic experiences are a natural part of our everyday lives. People often have difficulty accepting that they have been blessed with psychic abilities because without a frame of reference it is almost impossible to identify an extrasensory experience and to distinguish psychic sights, sounds, and sensations from the projects of the unconscious mind. To some extent, every human being on the planet is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, although most people discover that they are naturally adept at one more than the others. When you trust in and take steps to hone your innate clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, you will enter a new realm of being in which the universe, your higher self, and your spirit guides lovingly conduct you toward a more aware existence.

Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, is the ability to see with the mind's eye. An individual who has honed their clairvoyant abilities may be able to see in their mind's eye events in a remote location; to witness incidents that have yet to occur; or to perceive shapes, colors, and other images that are physically invisible. Clairaudience, which means clear listening, is the ability to hear sounds not physically audible. A person with the gift of clairaudience perceives psychic information as auditory resonance and may hear angelic voices, music, or other sounds. A clairsentient, or clear feeling, individual is able to sense physical, emotional, and spiritual energy in the form of seemingly unearthly scents, touches, and movements. Each of these psychic abilities can manifest themselves within us voluntarily or involuntarily. It is natural for us to have these abilities; we need only practice.

Developing your psychic talents is a matter of releasing your fear of seeing, hearing, or feeling inexplicable or disquieting stimulus. Before you attempt to consciously tap into your gifts, ground yourself to anchor your mind in the present to disconnect from any involuntary psychic experiences you may be having. Concentrate on your intuitive responses to the world around you and notice any sights, sounds, or feelings that enter your mind. If you trust your perceptions, you'll discover that each psychic impression you receive will be in some way relevant to your experience-even when that relevance may not be immediately recognizable.

Friday, March 02, 2007

How to Recognize PISCES

If you should happen to see a Pisces behind a teller's cage, or sitting at a bank president's desk, you'll be viewing a rare kind of fish. Very few of these people can stand being confined for long in one place. You'll have better luck if you wander into a spiritual seance, visit an art gallery, walk through a convent or a monastery, attend a concert or catch a floor show in a nightclub. You might check an Authors League meeting, drop backstage after a play, or try some sunbathing on a yacht

The chances are you'll come up with a pretty good catch in any of those streams of life. The more creative and artistic, the more leisurely and esoteric the surround­ings, the more fish you'll find. The net will be full of colorful, shimmering types, if you spread it out at cocktail parties or gala balls. You might even hook a couple of mollies, or an exotic species, like Princess Lee Radziwill.

There's little worldly ambition in Neptune people. Most of them wouldn't give a minnow for rank, power or leader­ship, and wealth holds little attraction. Few Pisces people accumulate money by the bushel, unless they marry it or inherit it. Mind you, they have nothing against cash. They'll gladly accept any old coins you can't use. But they're more aware than most of us of its temporal qual­ities.

Whoever said, "I don't want to be a millionaire-I just want to live like one," was truly reflecting the Piscean philosophy. The typical Neptune heart is free of greed. There's a lack of intensity, almost a carelessness about tomorrow. There's also an intuitive knowledge of yesterday and a gentle tolerance of today. It's never easy for either real or human fish to struggle and fight their way up­stream. It's more common, and it takes less effort, to go with the current wherever it takes them. But to swim up­stream is the challenge of Pisces-and the only way he ever finds true peace and happiness. Taking the easy way is a trap for those born under this Sun sign, a glittering bait that entices them, while it hides the dangerous hook -a wasted life.

You'll be impressed with the Piscean charm of manner and lazy good nature. He's indifferent to most limiting restrictions, if they don't rob him of his freedom to dream and feel his way through life. He's even more indifferent to insults, recriminations and other people's bristling opinions. Tell a Piscean that society is decadent, the gov­ernment is cracking, air pollution will put us all in our graves and the world is coming to a dead stop, and he'll yawn, or smile enchantingly, or look vaguely sympathetic. Very little will excite him to violent action or reaction. Of course, the fish is not completely bland. He does have a temper. When he's finally aroused, he can be bitingly sar­castic, with a clever, caustic tongue. Neptunians can lash their tails angrily and spill forth a torrent of nervous irritability, but the typical Pisces will normally take the path of least resistance, and the cool waters of Neptune continually wash away his anger. To arouse the fish to a display of temper is rather like tossmg a pebble into a clear, mirror-smooth lake, You'll create some ripples, but the surface will soon be calm again.

When you meet Pisces people, look first at their feet. They'll be quite noticeably small and dainty (including the men's), or else they'll be huge and spread out like a tired washerwoman's. The Pisces hands will also be tiny, fragile, and exquisitely formed-or else big ham bones that look as though they belong behind a plow. The skin is silky soft; the hair is fine, often wavy, and usually light (though you'll find a goodly number of brunette fish). Pisces eyes are liquid, heavy-lidded, and full of strange lights. Fre­quently, but not always, they're slightly protruding, bulbous and extremely compelling. Some Piscean eyes are simply beautiful. There's no other word to describe them. The features are elastic and mobile, and you'll usually find more dimples than wrinkles. Few Pisceans are tall; Neptune bodies are sometimes awkwardly built, but with their ex­traordinary grace, it's seldom discernible. They seem to sort of flow along, instead of walking-as if they were swim­ming across the room or down the street. Sometimes they really are. Where's the liquid? It may be nearby, and the fish is attracted to it.

It can be a love of ice water, the habit of a dozen cups of tea or coffee a day, a hankering for soda pop-or a yen for something stronger. Like Scorpios and Cancerians, Pisces people are wise to stay miles away from alcohol. Very few Neptunians can have a social cocktail, then leave it alone. There are some, naturally. But too many Pisceans find enticing relief from trouble in liquor. It lulls them pleasantly with a false sense of security and it's a dan­gerous lullaby. Of course, every Pisces who drinks a pousse-cafe doesn't become an alcoholic, but the percentage is higher than it ought to be.

The fish was born with the desire to see the world through rose-colored spectacles. He knows well enough about the seamy side of humanity, but he prefers to live in his own watery, gentle world, where everyone is beauti­ful and all actions are lovely. If reality becomes too terrible to face, he often escapes into rosy daydreams with powder puff foundations and not a prayer of coming true. When life dumps him with a splash-a real belly-smacker-into a stagnant river of dismal failure and hopeless conditions, instead of leaping out of the murky danger, he's more inclined to hide behind his pale green illusions which keep him from making practical decisions. The rejected Pisces is too inclined to face the ugliness of failure by deepening his false hopes, when a determined switch of course or some new, forceful action might shower him with real, instead of imaginary, success.

Not every March-born person falls into such a typical Neptune trap, but enough of them do to make it a necessary warning. The Pisces writer may be tempted to lounge for years in bars, telling himself he's gathering material, when he's really just gathering moss and unpaid bills. The Pisces artist who can't get the patronage he seeks may stroll through the park, day after day, mumbling into his beard that he's studying nature as a background for his great masterpiece, while his paint brushes gather dust. Where is the angel who will support him while he splashes canvases with glory? The Piscean woman, left alone, with just enough fixed income to keep a roof over her head and a little seaweed in the cupboard, will tend to dream away the hours, tenderly remembering yesterday, hazily hoping for tomorrow, and wasting the bright sunlight of today. The actor, composer, musician-you fill in the i stories.

I You may have read that the Pisces symbol of two fish, ? swimming in opposite directions, indicates that the Nep­tunian is torn by dual desires. It's not so. Dual desires belong to Gemini. The two fish in reversed directions symbolize the choice given Pisces: to swim to the top-or to swim to the bottom and never quite reach his goals. Pisces must leam that he is to serve mankind in some way, and eschew worldly possessions. Piscean Einstein, who swam upstream, formulated a whole new world of relative time. Pisceans who swim downstream serve by washing dishes or shoveling snow. The choice is always there, be­cause there's never a lack of unusual talent, but the fish, with eyes that see clearly on both sides, sometimes has difficulty seeing straight ahead. Pisces often retreats-either to the sublime heights of a dedicated professional life, or to stimulants, artificial emotions and false excitement.

Although Pisceans shrink from competition, the strong pull of Neptune sends many of them, even the shy ones, toward the bright footlights, where they can use their fabulous powers of interpretation to project myriad emo­tions. In spite of their natural timidity, they often become some of the finest performers in the theater. But only if they fight their distaste for the hard work of grueling re­hearsals, and the dullness of the dreary, but necessary years of experience. Sometimes the sharp wounds of the critics leave such a scar on sensitive Pisces souls that a po­tential Barrymore or Bemhardt retires when fame was just ahead. Memorization is seldom a problem. The Pisces memory is legendary, although with an afflicted Moon or Mercury they can forget their own telephone numbers.

To every Pisces, from the fisherman on the wharf to the nurse in the children's hospital, life itself is a huge stage. In the reflective eye of the fish, the entire scene is elusive and fleeting. Knowing this, Neptunians accept most storms with tranquil equilibrium. Despondency, however, is al­ways threatening to swoop down and bring peculiar dreams or weird nightmares which are often precognitive. When Pisces has a feeling something will happen, it usually does.

If he tells you not to get on that plane or in that car, you'd better plan to swim or walk.

Astrologers who speak of an old soul refer to a soul which has gone through many lives, retaining the wisdom of each. Often they refer to Pisces, because a life as the fish is either the most difficult obligation a soul can choose _or a chance to reach perfect fulfillment. While Aries represents birth in the zodiac, Pisces represents death and eternity. The fish is the twelfth sign, a composite of all that's gone before, and his nature is a blend of all the other signs, which is quite a lot to cope with. His surprising ability to organize and concentrate on detail which pops up now and then, as well as his gentleness, reflects his inner knowledge of the lessons of Virgo. His judgment is as fair and detached as that of Libra, and his love of pleasure is also purely Libran. Pisces people have the crazy sense of fun of Cancer, as well as both the Cancerian sympathy and crabbiness. They're sometimes full of the Sagittarian outspoken frankness and generosity, as fun-loving and outgoing as Leo, yet as devoted to duty as Capricorn, and often just as envious of social distinction. There may also be a smattering of the Saturnine melan­choly. Perhaps more than just a smattering. The fish can be as moody as a Moon child and as happy as a lion. He likes to tease and analyze in Aquarian fashion. He's often overflowing with Aries idealism and enthusiasm, but usually without the Mars drive. A Pisces person can zip around with Gemini quickness, talk just as fast and think just as cleverly. He can also be as lazy and peaceful as Taurus. He has the clever wit of Mercury and the soft grace of Venus, and he combines it with the mystic penetration of Scorpio, without the Scorpio's ruthlessness.

Pisces holds within himself the fondness of debate of all the air signs, the love for nature of all the earth signs and the flaming aspirations of all the fire signs. But he is neither fixed nor cardinal. The fish is mutable always; in this respect he is undiluted. The one and only quality which originates with his own sign is his strange power to stand outside himself and see yesterday, today and to­morrow as one. The Piscean love of music and art, and his highly developed senses and versatility he owes to other signs, but his deep wisdom and compassion belong only to him, culled from the combined knowledge of every hu­man experience. Now that you understand all that, is it any wonder that your Pisces friends are a bit of a puzzle at times, not to mention being outright kooky odd balls on occasion?

Pisceans tend to think they can live forever, and they often act as though they believed it fervently. The fish typically doesn't take very good care of himself. Chances are he spends most of his excess energy (and he doesn't have too much to spare) helping relatives in trouble or taking on the burdens of friends. Their troubles can be emotional or financial, but either can be a serious drain on Piscean health, which is rarely robust to begin with. The fish must conserve his energy and refrain from suc­cumbing to stimulants or sedatives, fatigue and other peo­ple's emergencies. Weakest as infants, seldom sturdy as children (unless there's a strong Mars influence in the natal chart), Pisces people seem to have slow metabolisms, which is why they often wake up sleepy-eyed and listless. Poor eating habits can bring troubles with liver and in­testinal functions and digestive troubles. Accidents to, or some abnormalities of the feet, hands or hips are common, also colds, flu and pneumonia. The lungs are not strong, and weak toes and ankles may result from March births. The fish seem to have fallen arches and metatarsal injuries or superbly strong and supple feet. There's no inbetween. They have a hidden inner resistance, however, and one of the challenges of Neptune is to discover this latent strength and call on it. Pisceans can literally hypnotize themselves into or out of anything they choose-including fear of cats, mice, heights, subways, elevators and people.

Humor is one of their secret weapons. Pisceans grin to cover unshed tears. They're masters of satire, and you may cringe from a bright remark thrown at you so casually that you're unable to pin down the exact meaning or the in­tent. Yet, you'll have a decidedly uncomfortable feeling. The fish can scatter caustic observations around like flashing lights which wink on and off so fast you can't keep up with them. He's an excellent practical joker, great at pulling hilarious lines while he keeps his own elastic face mournful and straight. He can move gracefully from slapstick to brittle, sophisticated jokes. Sometimes the fun is warm and harmless, sometimes it's cold and merciless; but it's always a cover for another emotion the fish wants to hide, seldom spontaneous of itself. Pisces wears his laughs as a mask, and they disguise him well.

There's a great feeling of pity and a desire to help the sick and weak. Pisces may share compassion for the ill with Virgo, but he takes the extra step to try to understand the hearts of the burdened and the friendless, the failures and the misfits, no matter how weird or how rejected by so­ciety. The fish will gently comfort those whom Virgo feels are weak by choice, and therefore undeserving. If you need a dime or a dollar, a large loan, or just a small en­couragement that no one else would give, go to Pisces. You'll get no lectures and no glances of superiority. He judges no man-thief, murderer, addict, pervert, sinner, saint, hypocrite or liar. Greed, lust, sloth and envy will bring no critical wrath, if he's a typical Neptunian. His understanding overflows, along with whatever practical help he's able to offer. He senses every vice and virtue, and he knows each pitfall. Many fish, for this reason, don the robes of the priest or monk, and spend their lives in prayer or contemplation.

To help is his first instinct. There are Pisces people who are crusty and brusque, but it's only a fragile shell, worn for protection. The fish soon learns how vulnerable he is. The world is not yet tuned to the sensitive Piscean wave­length, so to avoid ridicule (as well as to avoid being taken for every last dime he owns), he sometimes feigns indifference. The impositions of those who would trample him force the fish to hide his true spirit. Since the depth of Neptune's waters causes him to absorb every pain and joy as if they were his own, it's little wonder many Pisceans pretend disinterest in hearing sad stories. But remember that they are pretending. If you've been rebuffed once, try 'twice, and the real fish will surface.

The glorious Piscean imagination, their marvelous elfin tumor and the Neptunian sense of beauty can create the most delicate, yet eternally lasting prose and poetry. In­deed, the world couldn't do without their artistic efforts and their gentle compassion for a moment. It would stop spin­ning. You'll frequently find fish who have buried their personal dreams to brighten odd corners of the lives of relatives and friends, or to bring the gift of tears and laughter to the public through the stage, at the cost of the privacy Pisces seeks and needs. Yet Neptune is a deceptive planet, capable of giving birth to natures that twist and turn in two directions at once, distorting the truth, an influence which often causes Pisces to hide his real emotions. ^

This thespian quality is obvious if you've ever tried pin down the elusive, flashing fish. He hates to answer direct question with a yes or a no. It's always maybe simple curiosity about what play he just saw or what boc he just read can bring an evasive answer for no reason particular. He can turn on tears, then turn on sunshine t pressing another invisible switch. Neither is truly real A is illusion with Pisces, and they find it hard to tell tt difference themselves. Their internal nature is as ui fathomable as Neptune's great oceans. The altruistic fish filled with an inexhaustible, tender love for every livin creature which is truly saint-like, when it's not turned u ward in self-pity and self-love. Typically Piscean are tr gregarious housewives with hearts big enough for th troubles of all the neighbors, and the patient bartendei who listen sympathetically to hundreds of tales of wo each week.

Hanging somewhere between the silent waters of th sea below and the vast, star-studded mist above, only bare ly touching the earth from necessity, Pisces lives his lif in lonely understanding of truth too deep to express L words. Those who want him for a friend, those who lov' him, must use their imagination to grasp the strange plane of his mind and emotions. The other two water signs-Scorpio and Cancer-are symbolized by half land-hal water creatures, amphibious and flexible-but the fish can' breathe air. He must live in cool green water, sometime muddy, always moving.

Pisces is represented, not by iron or mercury or gold o lead, but by the vibrations of the indefinable, artiflcia metals-again, an echo of the unreal and the illusionary He sees his reflection in three dimensions in the viole amethyst and the clear emerald; and his natal flowers an the water lily and the lotus. Their blossoms are pink an white and delicate, but their stems and leaves are made of strong fibers, tough and indestructible, unless they're ton up by the roots. Few can follow Pisces and probe the aquamarine nature, whether he swims downstream to obliv ion, just another lashing speck in the large, moving schoo:

of fish-or fights his way upstream to conquer the swif current and find serenity in pure waters. He is stronge] than he thinks and wiser than he knows, but Neptunt guards this secret until he discovers it for himself.

Famous Pisces Personalities

Edward Albee Harry Belafonte Elizabeth Browning Luther Burbank Enrico Caruso Frederic Chopin Grover Cleveland Albert Einstein Jaekie Gleason Handel

Rex Harrison Ben Heeht Victor Hugo Ted Kennedy Gordon MaeRae

James Madison Michelangelo Zero Mostel Vaslav Nijinsky Rudolf Nureyev Auguste Renoir Rimsky-Korsakov David Sarnoff Dinah Shore Earl of Snowden Svetlana Stalin John Steinbeck Elizabeth Taylor Earl Warren George Washington

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Astrology of Attraction

The "Love Lorn" make good marketing targets especially in astrological "circles". Most Astrological Web sites and magazines are dedicated to those of you tormented by Cupid's arrow with compatibility reports and even special "Love Horoscopes" aimed to feed the addiction. Thousands of letters fill advice columns asking "Does he/she love me?"; "Should I stay or leave him/her?", "Are we Soul mates?" and on and on it goes. I'm hardly a cynic about that feeling of bliss, or of sharing life with another person but this obsession about love needs some illumination.

Though I barely have my finger on the light switch I do think it's important to pose some points to ponder. Keep your mind open as you read on because the Shadow in us is a hard demon to confront, which is, after all, why falling in love is racked with so much discomfort. It's going to take a book to cover all that so for the sake of time and space I'll go right to the most damaging relational concept, Soulmates!

Here we are presented with a concept that tries to give us reasons for having a powerful attraction based on events that are not verifiable. But that's hardly the problem. The true damage with the Soulmate concept is that you are likely to discard the real reason for the attraction, which is usually less than glamorous. You aren't finding a lost love that exists outside of you, you are finding a lost part of yourself that the other person reflects back to you; that is why they seem so familiar and perhaps why the Soulmate concept is so readily accepted.

It would serve you to think of everyone as your Soulmate, then you would be more likely to respect all feelings that emerged in you, own them and stop making your relationship so special that you would die without it. It was your subconscious mind that selected the person in the first place, that's why you might feel that they are a God, or Goddess while the rest of us yawn; they fit YOUR projection, the part of you that you can't see.

I understand that your attractions are likely a key that unlocks the darker part of your psyche. If you try to remember this point you will have a much greater chance of getting some valuable understanding about yourself having entered the relationship regardless if they "killed you in a past life" or your souls were a "twin flame" or any other aggrandized fairy-tale that we can paint. Based on your current life, you will draw to you the perfect person or "hook" to reflect components long buried within you that are ready to be seen and embraced.

I deeply trust the nature of the subconscious mind, which Carl Jung described as ' your best friend who can only speak to you in symbols and who tirelessly knocks at the door of your life offering hints and pictures that guide you to wholeness.' Those symbols are around us at every moment, not just in our dreams but also in our everyday life. Symbols acting as omens surround us constantly and it's our job to bring them into consciousness, to ask “Why is this in front of me?" In that very moment of asking we have regained a certain amount of control in our lives, ousted ourselves from a victimized mentality and have begun acknowledging that we are not alone and that everything in front of us, serves us.

The relationships that we draw towards us are part of that process. They are symbols placed before us to direct our attention to our most hidden fears. Perhaps it's not love at all; perhaps we see a wound in that person that we know we can bandage, which assures us that we won't be abandoned; something our subconscious notices in one fleeting glance. Perhaps our attraction is an opportunity to win back self-love because we picked someone who like our Father, is a perfect fit but guaranteed to reject us. The point is, you can discard all the old judgments like, "I have intimacy issues" or " I was not meant to have a partner" in lieu of an understanding that everything that enters your life is brought to you lovingly from a higher place to assist you in loving yourself.

Where does astrology fit into all of this? Through the astrological chart you can likely see what part of your psyche the person is illuminating. We like to use the birth chart as a map to your life, each of the ten planets (and asteroids) paints a picture, like musical notes on a score sheet. Some tones are easier to listen to if others are singing them or, analogies aside, we have an easier time letting others act out our Mars if we aren't comfortable with our aggressive side or letting them "do" our Venus if we aren't comfortable with our more feminine side.

Astrology can tell you what you can learn from another person by combining the charts but if I told you not to enter a relationship that you were attracted to because of the difficulties that you may encounter, well I might as well tell you not to grow, not to trust your higher mind and that serves no one.

In conclusion, when you "fall in love" remind yourself that you have created a special opportunity to grow. Honor the part of you that created the "symbol" in front of you and accept or reject the challenge consciously. Your subconscious mind is tireless in bringing you what you need to grow, so if you aren't ready for the challenge just say, "No." If you are ready, take a moment each day to listen more closely to the magic around you, trust your symbols and listen to your dreams.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Making It Happen

There are times in our lives when all the signs seem to be pointing us in a particular direction. Our thoughts and dreams are echoed in the songs and stories we hear and the media we see. Maybe the message we are getting from the universe doesn’t even make sense in the “real” world, but somewhere inside, these urges feel right. Maybe you feel you are being told to move to a new city although your life where you are is just fine. Or maybe you feel the desire to pursue a new direction in your career when it never really interested you before. When we spend time getting in touch with our higher selves, our intuition sends us directives to lead us to become our best and most fulfilled selves. And when we are open and listening, the next step is to take action and go for it.

Once we make the decision to pursue our inner urgings, the universe sets into motion the means for all sorts of details to fall into place. A sense of peace will come over us, because we know that any questions will no longer make us wonder if our dreams are possible, but how to make them happen. Instead of deterring us from our goal, these questions only serve to clarify our focus to move us forward. We need not throw caution to the wind to follow our dream. The positive shift in our energy affects everything around us. Like a rush of water, it goes ahead to clear debris from our path so that we can go forward. Our new attitude also attracts likeminded people. Sometimes even the most unlikely angels arrive to help us along our way with the information and support we need.

Wherever your dreams are pointing you today, take a step. Take action and manifest your inner urges and soul whisperings.

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Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year, New Start

To many, the coming of a new year represents an opportunity to begin again. It is a time to step off of dead-end paths in order to create a fork in the road, disassociating from the old, and aligning with fresh possibilities. Harnessing the power of this transformative energy is a matter of truly believing that resolutions can conquer past patterns. If we believe we are capable of changing our lives, we are more apt to believe that we are capable of leaving our mistakes behind. Our dedication, which might otherwise falter, is buoyed by hope. Thus, the beginning of the new year is traditionally a popular time to tackle difficult tasks such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or fulfilling worldly ambitions. But the transition from year to year can also be an opportune occasion to pursue emotional, spiritual, and intellectual growth because we no longer feel burdened by regret and disappointment.

Whatever your reality, it is within your power to create the fork that allows you to walk a more conscious, grounded path. Viewing the start of the coming year as a time of rebirth allows you to focus on what you want to accomplish in the coming weeks, months, and years. Because you are a new person—in other words, a clean slate—you are free to immerse yourself in new experiences with impunity. If you feel a need to reconnect with your spirituality, consider taking up yoga, meditation, or another discipline that challenges both your mental and physical selves. Fill your newly-cleansed mind with stimulating knowledge, poignant wisdom, and useful skills. Clearing your home or workspace of clutter can improve the flow of energy in your life, giving you the momentum you need to stay true to your resolutions. And beginning a fresh journal can be a wonderful way to celebrate these developing aspects of your life.

In the ancient Babylonian, Chinese, and Celtic traditions, the period marking the transition from the old year to the new was viewed as a struggle between chaos and order, in which order always prevailed. Your belief that you, too, can banish chaos and integrate your dreams, desires, and goals more fully into your life will give you the determination and fortitude to change your life for the better.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Becoming A Better Person

At some point in our lives, many of us find ourselves overcome with the desire to become better people. While we are all uniquely capable of navigating this world, we may nonetheless feel driven to grow, expand, and change. This innate need for personal expansion can lead us down many paths as we develop within the context of our individual lives. Yet the initial steps that can put us on the road to evolution are not always clear. We understand that we want to be better but have no clear definition of “better.” To ease this often frustrating uncertainty, we can take small steps, keeping our own concept of growth in mind rather than allowing others to direct the course of our journey. And we should accept that change won’t happen overnight—we may not recognize the transformations taking place within us at first.

Becoming a better person in your own eyes is a whole-life project, and thus you should focus your step-by-step efforts on multiple areas of your existence. Since you likely know innately which qualities you consider good, growing as an individual is simply a matter of making an effort to do good whenever possible. Respect should be a key element of your efforts. When you acknowledge that all people are deserving of compassion, consideration, and dignity, you are naturally more apt to treat them in the manner you yourself wish to be treated. You will intuitively become a more active listener, universally helpful, and truthful. Going the extra mile in all you do can also facilitate evolution. Approaching your everyday duties with an upbeat attitude and positive expectations can help you make the world a brighter, more cheerful place. Finally, coming to terms with your values and then abiding by them will enable you to introduce a new degree of integrity and dignity into your life.

As you endeavor to develop yourself further, you can take pride not only in your successes, but also in the fact that you are cultivating consciousness within yourself through your choices, actions, and behaviors. While you may never feel you have reached the pinnacles of awareness you hope to achieve, you can make the most of this creative process of transformation. Becoming a better person is your choice and is a natural progression in your journey of self-awareness.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Predictive Astrology

Predictive astrology, also called forecasting, Interprets future cycles and possible future events through methods using the present placement of the planets, called astrology transits, as well as symbolic timing methods such as secondary progressions, solar arc directions and planetary returns.


Transits are real. They are the position of the planets for any given time. Where they aspect the natal planets in your chart will reflect the energies that are affecting you on your emotional and mental levels as well as on the event level. What happens to you during a transit emotionally, mentally and spiritually is just as important as any events that occur. We will all experience our transits in accordance to our circumstances, age and current level of development. The transits of the outer planets are particularly important where our personal evolvement is concerned and contribute to our growth as human and spiritual beings. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form cycles at approximately the same ages for everyone, thereby creating not only childhood cycles, but adult cycles for our entire lives. Under standing these passages of time is crucial to our development and the changes that are required of us.

Secondary Progressions & Solar Arc directions

Secondary progressions and solar arc directions are symbolic timing methods used by most astrologers. My personal preference is the use of solar arc directions where all the planets and points in the chart move approximately a degree each year in accordance to the motion of the natal Sun. It is a very accurate timing method and I run a directed chart for every consultation.

Planetary returns are calculated for the exact moment that the Sun, Moon or planet returns to it’s natal degree. This gives us a chart as an overview for the period of time it takes to make the next return. The Sun will give us our year ahead, while the moon will give us a view of the coming month. These are all valuable tools in an astrologer’s predictive kit.

Predictive astrology is a powerful tool for coping with our challenging cycles and maximizing the potential for our positive transits. I call this part of the consultation “what’s happening now and how long is it going to last!” A predictive consultation a couple of times a year can keep you on track and on your game.