Thursday, April 20, 2006

How to be a Star at Work and Home!
7 Breakthrough Strategies to Get Ahead at Work and in your Home Life.

The road to success is about as non-formulaic as a masterpiece work of art. And the works of art in this case are the snap-shots of monumental successes you’ve achieved in your life. The progression of your career, like many things in life, is determined not by what you have but how you use it. And in this case what you have are your skills and your intelligence, but how you apply them determines how bright you shine in your work place.

You may be thinking to yourself what is the definition of a "star?" Well, in this context, star generally means someone that either your employer or your family cannot do without -- in other words, an integral component of the team. But if you’re not feeling quite up to that level, fear not! A star is something that you can train to be. Anyone can develop those intangible skills that have your boss or loved ones thinking, "How would I survive without them?"

Before you go thinking that's not possible, let's clarify. A star, on average, is not always the smartest, the most competent, the hardest working, or the most ambitious. What the star has is a healthy dose of each of those attributes along with the intangible skill of knowing how to be the most productive in any given situation.

Here are seven breakthrough strategies to help you become a star at work and at home.

Visualize your goals in life.
This is critical to your success in life and a key component to making you a star. By documenting your goals you create a clear vision of yourself in the position where you’d like to be. This technique of visualization can help you in many aspects of your life.

Always have a game plan.

Most, if not all clichés are clichés for a reason; because they’re true, notwithstanding, the cliché of always being prepared – or more specifically always having a game plan. Utilize your life experience to understand where you are and this will help you accomplish the goals you’ve set in order to get where you want to be.

Shake things up... more than just a bit.
Find new ways to do old things, such as coming up with different approaches to accomplish your daily responsibilities at work. Here’s another cliché and this is one is no exception to the preceding rule; change is good. Try new things, such as a new hobby or taking up a new activity that will revolutionize your way of life… which brings us to:

Seek out adventures.
Being adventurous will round out your depth of character, and provide you with the opportunity to challenge yourself while having fun. Try training for something such as a marathon or a decathlon. Having an event to look forward to will help to engrave all the culminating moments that much more special.

Keep-up-to-date in your industry.

Keeping abreast of current changes and new trends in your industry will ensure you to be always be proactive in your approach to things. Reading specialty magazines, journals and attending various conferences will help to keep you on the constant verge of what’s cutting-edge. This same outlook can help redefine your approach to fulfilling your responsibilities at home.

It's all about the Network.

Either you're networking or you're not working to your full potential. It's not about what you know, but how many people you know in how many different places. Always carry a business card and learn to be outgoing in every possible day-to-day circumstance. The key here is not too come off like a phony salesman. There's a subtle difference between coming off as though you’re selling something and coming off as though you're providing a solution. Because that’s what networking is about – it's a symbiotic relationship that has to serve all interested parties.

If you can’t make a move up, then make a move sideways.
An organization that has little or no room to move up might prove to be a good place to move sideways. A sideways job move into a position that will enable you to develop new skills might help you move up in the future.

By employing the above strategies you’re going to go places – and those around you are going to notice and start commenting to that effect. In this case, where you’re going is up to you, but one thing’s for sure – it’s ahead!

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